Closure – custom bottles in China

Closing and sealing the top of your bottle is one of the key design elements that can greatly affect and complete the style of your bottle. There are many kinds of closures – plastic and aluminum Screw caps , lug cap, T-caps, Guala caps, Crown cap, Crystal caps, Sirloin caps, Corks: natural, synthetic and plastic giving an authentic, vintage, organic look to your bottle. Many closures and caps are standardized, such as the 33mm lug cap and the 28mm ROPP cap. These types of caps are basically sold as commodities and are a good choice for low end brands. For custom designed bottle, you will require a custom design closure to keep up with the overall holistic bottle design and image you are looking for. Our in house designers will help you with your choice. Various options are available depending on style, technical restrictions, carbonated liquid or not, price point etc… We of course always go one step further in our one stop and shop solution: we can design and supply the sleeve, customize a crown cap with your logo, built in spout for bars… anything is possible and as our designers are close to our engineers and tecnicians they not only have a marketing and aestetic perspective, but also know the technical restrictions linked to production of the bottle.